Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dear diary, yesterday I dared

... to tell my ex boyfriend to fuck off! I'll tell the story from the beginning. It's the guy that I've been writing about before. I saw him yesterday we were hangin on the same place, we have mutual friends... So we sat down and I had a smoke. last time I saw him we had a great time and we talked a lot about our feelings towards one and other. The day after I send him a text message which he never anwered. So anyways we sat down talking and for the second time he apologizes for not responding to my text messages. And I said to him:

- Yeah that was strange. We had a nice time and I just asked if you were alright and you don't answere. I was seconds from deleting your number. I felt so stupid.
- Yeah I know, but I just didn't know what to write back to you, because we had such a nice time and all and I didn't want to hurt you. I thought a lot about you after that night we had together.
- I just don't understand how you just don't answere, I would feel really bad if I did the same to you.
- Yeah I felt bad too. Every night for a week I thought about you and what to write back.
- And still you didn't answere. It's not like it was a message with words like love, mariage or kids. It was just : how are you doing? why should I apologize you when you still wont answere the next time?
- I don't know. I just don't want to hurt you.
- I hate those words, what do they mean?? Do you want to fuck and nothing else or just be friends? I don't understand!!
- You are a really nice girl, always kind, sexy and everything. Best friend you could Imagine.
- I like you too and I would really want to be your friend but I can't right now. It hurts too much to meet you, have sex and then try to live on without fooling myself.
- I understand. I just don't want to hurt you. I don't want a girlfriend.

Then I pointed at his shest with my finger and said to him while I stared in his blueblue eyes.

- Just so you know. You blewed a really good shot on a very good girl. And that's me.

I said it in a very calm voice and after that I just walked away. And it felt so good, Even though I cried a bit afterwards it felt nice to finely tell him that he can't use me just because I'm a nice person who also don't want to hurt people. That I'm nice doesn't nesserely make me stupid!

And this morning I deleted his numbers from my cellphone.
I wanted to hurt him, but maybe he just feels relief. But hopefully a little grief too.

1 comment:

Dare Angels said...

You know girl, I think you did the right thing by deleting his number. That means that you deleted him out of your life. He will only make you insecure as he doesn't know what he wants. And you were right when you told him that he doesn't know what he misses. And you can't force him to be different. Forget him, he will only hurt you I think!XBig hug!