Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dear diary...

...this will be my new motto!
I came across an article which gives 5 steps to break through your singleness. I could not agree more with it!
The 5 steps in short:
1.Let yourself go
2.Get to know people
3.Open your heart
5.Dare to take risks
Actually, it's really self-evident....I already KNEW it. But now I have to DO it!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dear diary...who is playing hard to get?

I have told you about the annoying guy that contacted me on msn after previously asking me out? Well, he obviously doesn’t take no for an answer. Let me give you a short impression of our chat last week. Please note that I NEVER contact him on msn and I sometimes don’t even get the chance to change my status to ‘occupied’ or even ‘offline’.
Be prepared for some hilariousness:

Him: Hi, how are you?
(After some minutes) Me: I’m fine, you?
Him: great, I just started my new job. How is your new life?
*ok, he clearly doesn’t memorize what I tell him because I only said in a previous chat that I was working on some new projects but nothing important. I decide to leave it for a while and start writing some e-mails and other stuff*
Him (only a few minutes later): Hey, why are you not responding? First you contact me and then you don’t say anything! Well, if you don’t want to talk to me then don’t. Or send it to my e-mail.
*this is crazy, I didn’t contact him! and so he mentions his e-mail which absolutely makes no sense!*
Me: Excuse me, but I’m quite busy. Apart from that: I didn’t contact you!
*I switch my status to ‘not there’*
Him: Too late! You can only make up by going for lunch with me.
Me: You are very annoying.
Him: I know.
Him: I give you three minutes to respond.
Me: You are pushing too hard, I don’t like that at all.
* I don’t respond to his question*
Him: Ok, you missed your chance! Now I maybe ask you in a year or so.
Me: That’s fine by me.
* and I left msn*

I am really starting to think that this guy keeps pushing until he gets what he wants. He is quite freaky don’t you think? Did you see how he tried to get me in the position of ‘wanting him’ and him playing ‘hard to get’? What would you have done and what do you think I should do?