Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dear diary, this week I dared go to the gym and meet a personal trainer to make a new workout schedule. The pt was a handsome guy with the most beautiful blue eyes you can imagine. A year ago I would have thought this whole situation really difficult, but now I could te3ll him what I was thinking and look him in the eyes.

After we'd sat down in his office we went out in the gym and he showed me diffrent workout metodes. I had to try while he corrected me. Every one else at the gym where staring at me... But I didn't get red in my face and I tried everything he asked for. I was proud!

And I'm also proud because I've desided not longer to hang out with my ex-boyfriend. He doesn't want me and I don't want to get hurt. So that's it!


Dare Angels said...

How good of you! I still would be red-faced and embarrased, you are my role-model in this hihi! Unfortunately there is not really a nice gym around here (not even mentioning a lack of cute guys)
About your ex-boyfriend: is it not possible to just be friends?
Gosh, after reading this I really should do something daring again - you are ahead of me ;P

Dare Angels said...

No I'm way too crazy. I need to step back.. You have good shots att becoming healthy daring person. Love u!