Saturday, November 1, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love!

It seems like currently everyone is reading this book, I can imagine you are too. I received it for my birthday while I just had bought it for another friends' birthday who in turn also had received it twice...

Anyway, normally I am not that much into these 'books-that-have been-recommended-by-Oprah-and-read-by-overhysterical-housewives'. Excuse me for this quite offending generalizing typification. And in the end: I have also read 'the secret' so maybe I am part of this group but I just don't want to admit it yet ;)

However this is different: Even though I have not read the whole book yet, I already feel like it came into my life at the right time. -As I interprete it- the writer is at a point in her life where she realizes she needs change and decides (and more importantly: DARES) to get rid of the secure life, the life that people expect you to be happy in. It encourages to take chance and not go the path that has already been paved for you.

To give you an update on my life: I have the feeling that at the moment I have found the peace that I needed for years. Of course I have not done that on my own. The combination of the haptonomist and medicines have given me a balance that I have not felt for years. It's so strange and I can't explain it. It sounds very philosophical I know, but I have the feeling that in many aspects in my life there is no need to hurry because no one expects me to (or at least should expect me to). I live my life the way I want to live my life and not the life of others.

Dear dare angel, how is your life at the moment?

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